Source code for typez

Meta language for describing DSLs in JSON.
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
import dataclasses
from typing import *
import json
import jsonschema
import pathlib
import IPython.core.display

__all__ = [
__version__ = "0.4.0"


# with open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "schema.json") as f:
#     typez_schema = json.load(f)

# All of these defintions are copied from
# `index.ts` and these two files should be manually
# kept synchronized

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Typez: definitions: Optional[Definitions] = None nodes: Optional[Nodes] = None states: Optional[States] = None
[docs] def asdict(self): """ Turns this into a dict, removing keys with null values and validating it against the schema. """ dict_ = dataclasses.asdict( self, dict_factory=lambda entries: {k: v for k, v in entries if v is not None}, ) # jsonschema.validate(dict_, typez_schema) return dict_
def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None): return {"application/x.typez+json": self.asdict()} def __post_init__(self): """ Validate that nodes are in topo order, with root at the end. """ return if not self.nodes: return seen: Set[str] = set() for node in self.nodes: assert not in seen seen.add( if not isinstance(node, CallNode): return for child_id in (node.args or []) + list((node.kwargs or {}).values()): assert child_id in seen
Definitions = Dict[str, Union["Kind", "Function"]]
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Kind: params: Optional[List[str]] = None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Function: params: List[Tuple[str, Type]] return_: Type type_params: Optional[List[str]] = None rest_param: Optional[Tuple[str, Type]] = None
Type = Union["TypeParameter", "DeclaredType", "ExternalType"]
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class TypeParameter: param: str
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DeclaredType: type: str params: Optional[Dict[str, Type]] = None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ExternalType: type: str repr: str
# TODO: Rename to expression Nodes = List[Union["CallNode", "PrimitiveNode"]]
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CallNode: id: str function: str type_params: Optional[Dict[str, TypeInstance]] = None args: Optional[List[str]] = None kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None def __post_init__(self): """ Make the args and kwargs hashable for easy hashing of the node to compute its id """ # Use settattr because it is frozen if self.type_params is not None: object.__setattr__(self, "type_params", Hashabledict(self.type_params)) if self.kwargs is not None: object.__setattr__(self, "kwargs", Hashabledict(self.kwargs)) if self.args is not None: object.__setattr__(self, "args", Hashablelist(self.args))
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class PrimitiveNode: id: str type: str repr: str
TypeInstance = Union["DeclaredTypeInstance", "ExternalTypeInstance"]
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DeclaredTypeInstance: type: str params: Optional[Dict[str, TypeInstance]] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.params is not None: object.__setattr__(self, "params", Hashabledict(self.params))
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class ExternalTypeInstance: repr: str
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class States: initial: str states: Optional[List["State"]] = None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class State: node: str rule: str logs: str label: Optional[str] = None
[docs]@dataclass class TypezDisplay: """ A display object for typez objects. If you set the `typez` property after calling `display` it will update the existing display. """ typez: Typez _typez: Typez = dataclasses.field(init=False, repr=False) _handle: Optional[IPython.core.display.DisplayHandle] = dataclasses.field( default=None, init=False, repr=False ) def _ipython_display_(self): self._handle = IPython.core.display.display(self.typez, display_id=True) @property # type: ignore def typez(self): return self._typez @typez.setter def typez(self, value: Typez): self._typez = value if self._handle: self._handle.update(self.typez)
class Hashabledict(dict): """ Dict that hashses to its key, value pairs. """ def __hash__(self): return hash(frozenset(self.items())) class Hashablelist(list): def __hash__(self): return hash(frozenset(self))