

Either use repo2docker:

repo2docker -E .

Or get started with Conda/flit:

conda env create -f binder/environment.yml
conda activate metadsl
flit -f typez.pyproject.toml install --symlink
flit install --symlink
flit -f rewrite.pyproject.toml install --symlink
flit -f core.pyproject.toml install --symlink
flit -f visualize.pyproject.toml install --symlink
flit -f llvm.pyproject.toml install --symlink
flit -f numpy.pyproject.toml install --symlink
flit -f all.pyproject.toml install --symlink

# optional
jupyter labextension install ./typez


This runs mypy and tests, and reports coverage.

pytest --cov --mypy
# open coverage file
open htmlcov/index.html

You can also test that the documentation notebooks run correctly, but this must be run separately from the code coverage:

pytest docs/*.ipynb --nbval

You can also run tests through ipython, to test if the custom visualizations all work:

ipython -m pytest


If you have a notebook that isn’t working, one way to debug it is to convert it to a Python script, and then run that python script with pudb.

jupyter nbconvert --to script Notebook.ipynb
python -m pudb


sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html/


You can generate a new environment.yml from our project dependencies with:

beni pyproject.toml *.pyproject.toml --ignore \
    typing_inspect \
    pytest \
    pytest-mypy \
    pytest-xdist \
    pytest-cov \
    pytest-testmo \
> binder/environment.yml


First bump all versions in Python and JS packages.

cd typez
npm publish
cd ..
flit -f typez.pyproject.toml publish
flit -f pyproject.toml publish
flit -f rewrite.pyproject.toml publish
flit -f core.pyproject.toml   publish
flit -f visualize.pyproject.toml   publish
flit -f llvm.pyproject.toml   publish
flit -f all.pyproject.toml    publish